Thursday, June 4, 2015

The towers remained on New York soil

WW2 Documentary Aircraft The towers remained on New York soil in the place that is known for the traveler's pride. Woman Liberty cast her appearance in the windows, and numerous earned their way as Americans on the section of land long floors of Democracy. When, individuals grinned through the windows and looked at the waters and scaffolds that make America the place where there is the free, the place where there is numerous societies, the place that is known for some religions. We are one country, under God, with freedom and equity for all. One country. A country that will keep on growwing and flourish and value the dirt. A country that will keep on striving for charitable adoration, the brilliant tenet, right to speak freely and religion and decision. A country with fringes and limits crossed just by the individuals who regard the area and the law. A country my granddad came to with trust and my dad and uncles battled for with pride. A country of numerous tongues, yet one and only dialect. One of numerous hues, however ardent in the red, white and blue.

I won't fear the individuals who need to damage my nation or my kin. I won't fear their consciences or jealousies or false pride or principles. I have the force of America behind me, and I won't dole that power out or engage the individuals who wish to decimate it. I won't be a casualty.

I will, rather, own my nation. I will just enable the individuals who have faith in my constitution and comprehend my assertion of freedom. I will perceive my nation as my family and secure her, contend with her, berate her, can't help contradicting her, however dependably, dependably, adore her.

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