Monday, June 29, 2015

The 50th commemoration of seemingly

History Channel Documentary The 50th commemoration of seemingly, a standout amongst the most unfortunate crossroads in US history:- the 22nd Nov. 1963 death of President Kennedy, is close as I compose this. Much has been composed concerning why Lee Harvey Oswald carried out this notorious wrongdoing. Since the time that the Warren Commission initially closed Oswald worked alone, various creators and specialists have attempted to connection him to a Soviet plot, the CIA, the mafia and so forth all without much of any result. Actually the last word must go to the latest book on the subject, The Interloper:Lee Harvey Oswald Inside The Soviet Union, where columnist Peter Savodnik says:- "There is a mind-boggling longing to cast Kennedy's life and passing as an awesome legendary story. It's unsuitable that he is brought low by some redneck, who had issues identifying with his mom."

In this way, in a world to begin with, I am going to framework a 'Life Cycles' measurable examination of Lee Harvey Oswald:- one solitary mental case. He needed to leave his imprint against free enterprise. He accepted intensely in Marxism. He had abandoned to Russia just to return. He had no genuine feeling of good and bad and was candidly icy. He was a urgent liar. He had fizzled in every scene in his life. He was a reasonable marksman when in the Marines. His family history was useless and he had a background marked by contentions and hostility. He had as of late attempted and neglected to kill a resigned General and noticeable against Communist. To put it plainly, this was a deadly mixed drink, however despite everything it didn't mean he would execute the President.

Cordiality of broad records of Oswald's short life I will be capable give a look at all of his 'huge years' (ie. ages of 7,12,19 and 24:- See my prior articles for a clarification of why I term these little number of years as critical. It is in view of a 12 year typical cycle, with the first year called the 'Year of Revolution' ie. 12/24 and after seven years one more year of progress called the 'Year of Broken Pathways' ie. 7/19). So how about we start in the period when he was matured only 7 (Oct.18th, 1946 to Oct.18th, 1947). His mom had as of late marry Edwin Ekdahl, an electrical designer a few years more seasoned than her, and who treated him like one he could call his own children. They had then isolated and soon re-united which had elated Lee, yet it was not to last. They battled "each other day and he would leave and return". In the late summer of 1947, his mom Marguerite associated Ekdahl with disloyalty and had the young men break into his beau's home to find him there. Separation resulted before long. Oswald lived with mayham and saw his family security taken away rapidly. He would come to see his mom as the one capable.

How about we skip now to when he was matured 12 (Oct.1951 to Oct.1952). There is one all around recorded episode in August,1952 (near to the definite time of year of the age 7 occurrence). This time Oswald and his mom came to live quickly with his relative, John Pik and his mom, in their New York condo. Oswald got to be annoy about utilization of the TV set and after that undermined Mrs. Pik with a folding knife. He likewise struck his mom amid the contention. Oswald and his mom were advised to get out or be tossed out. It is demonstrative of the broken mother/child relationship and his capability to showcase his animosity.

Alright, now to the absolute most life-changing year in Oswald's life:- his age 19 'Year of Broken Pathways' (Oct.1958 to Oct.1959). Oswald had been in the Marines since 1956 and had been court-martialed twice for battling and for unapproved utilization of a gun. He had been downgraded to private. He had fizzled regarding making a profession in the armed force. He came back to the US from Japan in Dec.1958, and from the soonest time after that, had get to be resolved to desert to the Soviet Union. His handle was Oswaldskovich in view of his ace Soviet estimations. He had his name written in Russian on one of his coats. He made comments in Russian, tended to others as "confidant" and played Russian music so boisterously it could be heard outside the encampment. This is a fantastic portrayal of how the 'Year of Broken Pathways' can develop, a little bit at a time, and afterward you wind up totally adjusted before the end of it. Did the Marines truly need this man? I feel its a question that ought to have been inquired. We're talking the stature of the Cold War here.

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