Saturday, June 6, 2015

The mass of misleading that was manufactured

History Channel Documentary The mass of misleading that was manufactured for the sake of religion is too profound, high, and wide for anybody to get around. It is built by endless supply of perplexity, puzzle, enchantment, and dangers of roughness. It remains before the ones who follow in the conventions of such establishments and foundations as a sentinel with watchmen that are prepared, willing, and ready to execute. Few can escape from the jail it speaks to unless they discharge their psyches of the pretend that constitutes its quality.

Taking after my rebirth I was charged to tear down that divider and discharge the profound individuals who are gotten behind it. They are known as the "youthful" on the grounds that they are new to the Spirit are as yet finding out about the force that is searching them out. They are encountering the guaranteed signs and marvels of the force they are presently joined with however regardless they follow false divine beings.

The base of the blockage is in Babylon where sun-love was the begin of present day religions. The Mother God of that city has numerous names yet one emerges. "Mary" or "Mari" is one of them. She is additionally "Astar" from 'a star' which has been ruined to 'Ashterah', 'Ashtar, and a heap of different names.

'Mama r-y' signifies 'mother's effective eye'. It is spoken to by the 5-point star on the banner of Islam and on the identifications worn by armed force officers, images on war machines, law authorization vehicles, et cetera. It additionally sits on the leader of the picture on the Old Bailey in London, and numerous different spots.

Sun love is the most established type of religion and from it was produced all the fake divine beings that have covered reality underneath the love they energize. In time I was to take in their names and nature and had the capacity follow them to their source.

It drove me to the first monster of Revelation 13. He was Ismal, the child of Abraham. Written in another structure it 'is-lam' and that was the beginning of the divider.

Constantine is 666 and the second monster. He set up the Roman Catholic Church in 325 AD and he place Mary in it as the Mother of God. That is an interesting expression as God has no mother. This he did when he created Jesus Christ as its Savior. The picture and religion he made fortified the divider and made it verging on unthinkable for anybody to evacuate.

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