Thursday, August 18, 2016

We are without further ado occupied with a World War

Battleship History We are without further ado occupied with a World War. The Muslim 911 was the primary shot. In striking back the President of the United States declared that he was propelling a Crusade. The Crusades were a thousand years back when the Pope walked his Christian armed force crosswise over Europe, butchering each Jew in their way, recovering the Holy Land for Jesus Christ where the Christian Crusaders stood knee somewhere down in Muslim blood in Jerusalem. So far the United States has vanquished Iraq and Afghanistan and it is currently undermining Iran and Syria. This week President Bush said that so far 2,000 American individuals have passed on in Iraq and 30,000 Iraqis. The Crusade for the Christian God Jesus is presently growing into the Apocalypse, the sudden brutal end of life on Earth in Nuclear World War 3, which will have no survivors as each atomic researcher knows.

2 billion clever Christians today Dec. 30, 2005 have confidence in their God Jesus Christ, that he is the Messiah and that he will protect every one of them from Nuclear World War 3 the Apocalypse and Rapture all of them up into Heaven to be in everlasting joyful Paradise with God and the Angels always, essentially on the grounds that they have confidence in Jesus Christ. They trust their book of Revelations that soon Jesus Christ will come flying down from paradise on a flying white steed to spare them and their kids from human made Nuclear World War 3, They don't have the foggiest idea about that the story in the book of Revelations (Rev. 9:17-19; Rev. 19) about the Prince Jesus on the flying white stallion crushing Satan and his riders and steeds is a finished written falsification of the Greek Myth of Prince Bellerophon and Pegasus his flying steed who demolished the Chimera, a legendary flame breathing creature with a lion's head, a goat's body and a serpent's story. Pegasus later got stung by a gadfly and tossed Bellerophon to Earth where he arrived in a thistle shrub and reached an ignominious end desolate and damned.

The New Testament was first started in Greek decades after Jesus kicked the bucket. The Greek Gospel creators knew the Greek Myths. Their grandparents thought of them. The Greek Goddess for goodness' sake was named Eurynome. Eurynome was impeccably brought about by a white bird and the wind. At that point she appeared as a white bird. Later, as a lady, she moved upon the water. The Gospel Writers' character Jesus is a literary theft of characters from the Greek Myths Eurynome, Bellerophon, Orestes and numerous others. The Greek Bible authors didn't need to get the general population to surrender their Gods - they simply changed their names - pretty much as the Romans embraced the Greek Gods by renaming them.

The incongruity of the Christian Muslim War is that 1 billion wise Muslim individuals additionally trust that Jesus was the Messiah, a marvel laborer, destined to the Virgin Mary. (Koran Sura, Chapter 3:40-43). They too are anticipating the second happening to the Messiah Jesus Christ (Sura 4:157).

20 million Christians and Jews passed on in WW2, "The War Against the Jews", an assault on the whole Jewish race in light of the fact that their Jewish predecessors 2,000 years prior had purportedly killed Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was Elected God of Christianity by the Church Fathers at the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. The Christian conviction that the Jews killed their God Jesus is a conviction that slaughters and continues murdering. This conviction brought on the first Crusades, the Inquisitions, the Pogroms and WWII, The War Against the Jews where 20 million Christian and Jewish kids were executed. This same conviction is currently even cash to trigger the Apocalypse. Jesus was a Jewish change Rabbi and Prophet painted with Godlike qualities by the Greek New Testament Bible Writers.

Divine force of Mount Sinai cut the 10 decrees in stone and offered them to Moses 3,200 years prior. The sixth charge is "Don't Murder", precisely interpreted from the Old Testament, which has been embraced as the Holy Scripture of Christianity and Islam as well. In the Old Testament, the Holy Bible of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, God of Mount Sinai called the Holy Bible scholars a bundle of oblivious drunks producing His Will, marking God's name to their own stories and laws. (Ezekiel 13:1-22). Divine force of Mount Sinai says right in the Holy Bible of these 3 religions that the Bible Writers were making for the general population a safe house, a shelter of untruths and lies which would bring about the general population to fall in reverse and be broken and entrapped and taken, aside from the 10 decrees. (Isaiah 28:9-15). Jesus Christ spent his whole service saying precisely the same. Divine force of Mount Sinai is the God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Divine force of Mount Sinai is additionally named God the Father, The Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ, Allah, and Elohim.

A few inquiries emerge from every one of this. How could unimaginably splendid individuals who have traveled to the moon, and have a large number of Bible Scholars, and Greek Myth Scholars, educators and understudies, not be very much aware of every one of this? On the off chance that they are very much aware of this then why are they all concealing it? How is every one of this not regular learning? We are speaking here about deceptions and falsehoods and myths that are driving every one of us right now into annihilation.

The Temple of Love fixes this whole chaos. It makes Peace among the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Everyone else on Earth, and joins all of them. The issue is that nobody is occupied with joining together or in World Peace. Deep down rough people indoctrinated from birth are insusceptible from reality. At the point when reality enters their brains antibodies assault and execute the genuine actualities as though they were threatening trespassers. The human hunger for blood won't ever be extinguished by a couple of truths. People can't sit tight for the Apocalypse, when Jesus will fly down from Heaven and spare them and their youngsters with the goal that they can say, "Look, we were correct!" The historical backdrop of life on Earth, going to arrive at an end, is a comic catastrophe that even the Greek Myth journalists would not have set out to compose in light of the fact that nobody would have trusted it, not by any means people.

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