Thursday, August 18, 2016

A sixty five year old lady named Nancy smoked

WW2 Documentary History Channel A sixty five year old lady named Nancy smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for a long time. At that point one day she started to hack up blood and endure mid-section torments which were dull, throbbing and constant. Her family specialist sent her for mid-section X-Rays and the radiologist distinguished a tumor in her right lung. The biopsy demonstrated that it was tumor. Nancy was set up for surgery. The specialist came into the room, cut open Nancy's mid-section, took a gander at the golf ball estimated tumor, and said, "Well, other than this tumor, she looks fine." The specialist did not remove the tumor, he just advised his colleague to sew her up. After six weeks Nancy kicked the bucket.

Last Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007, 138 driving Muslim researchers, political and religious pioneers from around the globe sent an olive branch of peace, a 29 page letter to Pope Benedict XVI, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and every single Christian pioneer around the world. Toward the end of the letter the Muslim researchers and pioneers allude Pope Benedict XVI to their site, "The Offical Website of A Common Word". The letter can be perused and downloaded at the site, alongside letters of congrats from Christian and Jewish researchers and lawmakers, including Tony Blair.

On the upper right of the landing page it says "Join!" If Pope Benedict XVI uses his Holy Mouse to tap on "Connection!" he will discover a solicitation to include the connection and pennant from the Muslim scolars' site to the official site of The Holy See, alongside the HTML code for the standard. The present Page Rank of "A Common Word" is zero yet with overall standard scope of the Muslim researchers' letter and religious and instructive organizations and people overall now connecting in, it won't be much sooner than the Muslim researchers' site surpasses the Vatican's Page Rank of 8. Now Pope Benedict XVI is certain to issue a Papal Bull guiding each Catholic to connection to his site. The promoting potential is galactic.

Last Friday, Oct. 12, 2007, the top Vatican official responsible for Catholic relations with Islam and every single other religion, Cardinal Jean Louis Tauran told Vatican Radio that he found the letter "exceptionally intriguing", to a limited extent since it was marked by both Shiite and Sunni Muslims and made various references to the Old Testament, New Testament and the Koran, which are all trailed by Islam. Cardinal Tauran said that he respected the way that the letter was not dubious, pugnacious or disputatious. Lamentably, this is the place the Muslim researchers' letter falls all over and misses a grand chance to recuperate the break between Christianity, Islam and Judaism now driving every one of us into atomic world war III, the Apocalypse.

The Muslim researchers, political and religious pioneers' letter states at the base of page 15 and the highest point of page 16, that if the Muslim and Christian universes don't presently resolve their disparities, "The very survival of the world itself is maybe in question." The Muslim researchers' answer for making peace between Christianity, Islam and Judaism is to join under a typical word, "Adoration", and the two most essential edicts in every one of the three religions, "Love God" and "Affection your neighbor as you cherish yourself."

The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion makes peace among and joins Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Everyone else by entwining them with their ongoing ideas and determining the greater part of their disparities for the last time. The glaring issue with the Muslim researchers' letter to the Christian pioneers is that it makes no notice of the contrasts between the religions not to mention determining them. We are discussing the innumerable rules in the Bibles for the individuals from Christianity, Islam and Judaism to execute the greater part of the guiltless men, ladies and kids outside of their gathering since they are all villains.

The Koran peruses "Make War on the Christians and Jews and unbelievers for incredible unceasing prizes." (Sura Chapter 9:5, 29-30, Sura 56). The Christian Bible says that when the Messiah of Islam and Christianity returns, Jesus Christ, he will charge his adherents and holy messengers to toss the greater part of the non devotees into the flame, since they are all villains. (Matt. 13:36-43). Pslam 2 of the Old Testament of Judaism, now took after by Christianity and Islam too says that the Messiah will crush the greater part of the non devotees like a potter's vessel with a bar of iron into a million pieces and vanquish the world for every religion. Christianity, Islam and Judaism and their Holy Bibles charge genocide and they are the main driver of the West's "War on Terror" otherwise known as "The War Against the Muslims", the Muslim overall Jihad against all non Muslims, and the deterrent to peace in the Middle East, and the length of these religions exist there will never be peace on earth, as indicated by their own particular God of Mount Sinai in their own particular Holy books of scriptures. Lord of Mount Sinai summons that these three religions now be sanitized down to their heavenly quintessence so as to spare life on earth from elimination and to lead the general population of earth to everlasting peace on earth.

The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion's 10 page site is the part of the three Bibles which your religious pioneers will never show you on the grounds that their own God's arrangement for everlating world peace in their own Holy Bibles requires a conclusion to Christianity, Islam and Judaism and your religious pioneers' influence and control over you and the boundless fortunes they are making off of you.

In the 3 Holy Bibles, God of Mount Sinai otherwise known as God the Father, Jesus Christ, The Holy Spirit, Allah, Yehovah, Elohim says through each and every Biblical Prophet in the 3 Bibles that the best approach to everlasting peace on Earth is to clean Christianity, Islam and Judaism down to their characters, faith in God, conviction that God of Mount Sinai is that One God, conviction that God of Mount Sinai Himself cut His Word, the 10 instructions in stone Himself, or more for the general population to take after and comply with God's statement, "10ve", the 10 edicts. This new religion is The Temple of Love - The World Peace Religion. As per God of Mount Sinai the three Holy Bibles should now be tossed into the flame, aside from the two tablets, before these books of scriptures are driving every one of us into the flames of Nuclear World War three. As per God of Mount Sinai these three blessed books of scriptures are the dangerous tumor going to slaughter every one of us, and God says in the Bibles that the tumor should now be removed and put aside.

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