Sunday, May 10, 2015

The little horn was seen in amongst 10 horns heading up

WW2 Documentary The little horn was seen in amongst 10 horns heading up from them - raising out of the leader of the 4th brute (Daniel 7:8). This data furnishes us with the land area of the ascent of the little horn. The 10 horns speak to Western Europe which was a consequence of the disassembling of the Roman Empire.

Antichrist Fact 1: The Papacy emerged from Western Europe. The home or seat of the papacy is Rome, Italy - right in the heart of Western Europe.

Sign 2 - It is a little Kingdom.

This political force is depicted as a 'little horn" (Daniel 7:8). Here we have a little country that will perform expansive things.

Antichrist Fact 2: The Vatican is a little country. The Vatican is a little, autonomous kingdom inside Europe. The whole kingdom is a little more than 108 hectares of area.

Hint 3 - It emerges after the 10 tribes of Europe were secured.

The little horn Antichrist leaves 10 horns, as well as comes to power after the 10 horns were made: "and another might ascend after them"(Daniel 7:24).

Antichrist Fact 3: The Papacy rose to power in 538AD. The 10 kingdoms were secured by 476AD. The Papacy attained to political donince after crushing the Arian Ostrogoths in 538AD.

Piece of information 4 - Three political forces are crushed by it as it ascends to power.

The Bible says that 3 of the first 10 horns were "culled out by the roots" (Daniel 7:8) The little horn would beat 3 of the tribes of Europe on its approach to strength. Three of the first kingdoms had been moved by 538AD. This kingdom would come to power at some point around 538AD.

Antichrist Fact 4: The Papacy "culled out" three tribes - the Vandals, Heruli and Ostrogoths.

Over the long haul the 10 kingdoms of Europe received Roman Christianity. However 3 of these kingdoms were uncooperative towrds Rome. There were 3 forces who endured annihilation by Catholic heads. The primary was the Heruli. They were vanquished in 493AD. Next the Vandals endured annihilation in 534AD. The last to be crushed were the Ostrogoths in the year 538AD. Every one of the 3 kingdoms were "removed" and have vanished from Europe.

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