Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Quite a long time ago, before the coming of cutting

WW2 Documentary Quite a long time ago, before the coming of cutting edge enactment managing Landlord and Tenant relations, Tenants were helpless before their Landlords who wielded and practiced over the top controls over them. At that point, the Landlord had the ability to singularly expand rent and the Tenant was not in a position to scrutinize the augmentation however self-assertive, unconscionable and unjustified the addition was. The Landlord additionally had the ability to oust the occupant without propelling any explanation behind doing as such. He was under no commitment to provide for the Tenant notification of his proposition to end the tenure or of his plan to expel him. On the off chance that the Landlord needed to remove a Tenant from his home, he was qualified for utilization power or to fall back on self improvement to do as such. For sure, the force of the Landlord in those days over the Tenant knew no limits.

Thus it was that the Tenant stood powerless, frail and helpless even with the gigantic forces of his Landlord. His capacity to deal successfully with his Landlord was overshadowed and in fact quenched by the unnecessary, subjective and absolutist forces of the Landlord over him.

This situation offered ascent to the lopsidedness and imbalance that now describe the relationship in the middle of Landlord and Tenant today. Around then, the relationship of Landlord and Tenant was a contractual one including two unequal gatherings, with the Landlord as the effective party and the Tenant, the weaker party. The terms and states of an occupancy or lease assention were offered to the Tenant on a take-it-or-abandon it premise. The Tenant had no say as to his rights, intrigues, commitments and obligations under the understanding. It was in this way the need to right the shameful acts, ill-use, persecution and abuse that Tenants endured because of their landowners that required the intercession of government regulations in contracts including proprietors and their occupants. These regulations take the type of authoritative institutions prevalently alluded to as Tenancy Laws, Landlord and Tenant Laws or Rent Control and Recovery of Premises Laws. In Nigeria, a few laws have been authorized to shield inhabitants from the overabundances of Landlords.

The Federal Government of Nigeria and also the different states has made a few laws on the subject. Enactment on Landlord and Tenant relations at present in Nigeria include:

1. The Recovery of Premises Act, 1990 which is the law directing Landlord and Tenant relations in Abuja

2. The Rent Control and Recovery of Premises laws of different states in Nigeria.

3. The Tenancy Law of Lagos State, 2011.

Note that these laws are comparative in procurement and impact, with just minor contrasts. The objectives of these laws are twofold:

(1) To manage the cost of occupants the best conceivable assurance against misuse and persecution via proprietors by anticipating subjective augmentation of rent and the unlawful ousting of inhabitants.

(2) To adjust, bring together and fit the intrigues and privileges of the proprietor with those of the inhabitant and accordingly forestall biased and unjustifiable deals where one gathering increases to the detriment of the other party.

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