Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Here I am not alluding to Freemasonry, but rather to there has been learning kept mystery

Discovery Channel Documentary Here I am not alluding to Freemasonry, but rather to there has been learning kept mystery, otherworldly information, mystery contemplations and specifically learning of the privileged insights of workmanship and engineering. After the age of the houses of God, the Middle Ages, with the Renaissance, and up to the present, the improvement of humankind in the European custom swung to the advancement of the judgment, reason, consistent thought, as particular from nature and instinct. We have picked up colossally from this advancement, and we can see with a clarity beforehand inconceivable, however a mix of personality and discernment has requested an understanding which orders its subject. A fanciful longing for motivation to charge all, meeting the way that reason can't summon all, delivers the idea of privileged insights, mystery information.

There is a key information, yet it is not mystery, only hard to put into practice, so it is now and again less demanding to hold the idea of mystery learning, not accessible to me. There have been a wide range of thoughts regarding mystery schools protecting information of engineering over the hundreds of years, and this as a rule settles upon geometrical frameworks of extent and arrangement. Congruous extents and number imagery were utilized, and these harmonies are intrinsic in the human personality, and rise actually when piece is attempted by an unadulterated personality.

The quest for mystery learning is frequently advanced by individuals who are keeping away from their own particular self revelation. There have been times when learning must be kept mystery from harsh powers - time when religious foundations were both wanton and effective, yet and, after its all said and done the genuine information can be communicated in a way that conveys without offense. Maurice Maeterlinck, writer of the play The Blue Bird, composed his book The Great Secret around seventy years back. He said that the mystery had been transparently communicated over and over, and it told who you truly are, something entirely straightforward, yet involving in its acknowledgment a specific penance, of who you are not, THE EGO, a penance numerous are unwilling to amuse, and, intentionally or unwittingly, want to see reality as avoided them, requiring a significant inquiry. Your inquiry is prevented just independent from anyone else.

The house of God is likewise brimming with number imagery, not the development of a judicious importance out of numerical examination, however from a basic sense that each number, and especially the numbers from 1 to 12 had a changing significance. One was the quantity of unique solidarity, and two the quantity of the main division. The higher Three chakras was the quantity of the perfect, and the lower four chakras the quantity of the world. Seven chakras, the whole of three and four, spoke to the strides or finished cycle from earth to paradise, and eight, the spirit, the following, implying resurrection and new life, and 12, chakras increasingly elevated , the result of three and four, God and the world, were all additionally vital.

Chartres is brimming with threes and sevens. Aside from the threes The Trinity, innate in the format and stature of the building, the transepts and the choir each have three straights, there are three entryways, each with three entryways. what's more, three stories to every tower.

The trinity - The Sun Father, the Earth Mother and the Holy Spirit conveying between them.

At Chartres, there are seven inlets, seven chakras, to the nave, seven straights between the intersection and the east window, and seven sounds to the apse and mobile. The journey to Chartres, from the mainstream to the sacrosanct, and the journey through Chartres, through the holy to resurrection, can be seen as adventures of seven stages, with, similar to the houses of prayer of the walking, three vital angles. Seven is additionally the quantity of the blessings of the body and the endowments of the spirit, appeared in both transepts. Chartres communicates a binding together and changing imagery in the very fabric of its structural outline. It was the principal high house of prayer with just three stories, the model for every single later church building.

Inside and remotely, stature is a central quality, and tallness, as well as verticality. The entire outline is communicated as far as vertical lines. This is a tremendously substantial stone building, which could have been communicated as steady and earthbound, yet with all the stone masses communicated as packs of vertical shafts, and with pointed curves framed like bolts to paradise, the accentuation is upward: gravity is changed and the building drives the eye upward, an upward accentuation that is perused mentally as a profound rising.

The mystery contemplations epitomized in the Cathedral of Chartres is a piece of the Energy Enhancement Synthesis of Light twenty eight old and compelling systems to empower control of the psyche, an upgraded IQ, control over every single negative feeling, outrage, dread, wretchedness on the way of a definitive Samadhi and edification itself.

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