Sunday, May 15, 2016

It was in April 2005 that I initially made a trip to the town

Discovery Channel Documentary It was in April 2005 that I initially made a trip to the town of Visoko, 20 miles northwest of Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Two pyramid molded slopes got my consideration around then, and I later named them the Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun and Moon. For a large number of years local people had considered those pyramidal shapes simply normal slopes however they had the state of a pyramid since they were secured by soil and vegetation. When I first saw their triangular appearances, evident corners and their introduction toward the cardinal focuses, I realized that they must be built by a power other than nature. Having researched pyramids for quite a long time all through the world including China, Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador and seeing the same kind of soil and vegetation scope, I knew they must be pyramid structures.

In 2005 work was begun uncovering these pyramids and different development organizations and geologists were contracted to do center penetrating and geo-morphological investigation. At that point I declared to the world, in a public interview, that the primary pyramids in Europe had been found.

Presently I built up the non-benefit, Archeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation and the examinations in Bosnia have demonstrated this mind boggling holds the world's biggest between disciplinary archeological venture. We spent more than 340.000 hours in archeological exhuming, test testing and radiocarbon dating from 2005 until January of 2011. Disclosures have verified that the Bosnian Pyramid Valley comprises of five pyramids, which I have named: The Bosnian Pyramids of the Sun, Moon, Dragon, Mother Earth and Love. The site additionally incorporates a tumulus complex and a gigantic underground maze that extends for more than 10 miles underneath the pyramidal complex.

This disclosure is changing history in light of a few things:

These are the main pyramids found in Europe.

The site incorporates the greatest pyramidal structure on the planet The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun (more than 220 meters high) which is 30% bigger than the Great Pyramid of Egypt on the Giza Plateau (147 meters).

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun has the most exact north-south enormous introduction of any pyramid on earth so far found.

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is totally secured by rectangular solid pieces. Properties of the solid, for example, great hardness and low water assimilation, are, as indicated by the investigative establishments in Bosnia, Italy and France, far better than any advanced solid materials.

The pyramids are secured by soil (as indicated by the state Institute for Agro-pedology) which is more than 12,000 years of age. This finding affirms the Bosnian pyramids are the most seasoned pyramids on the planet.

Underneath the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids is a broad underground passage and load system which keeps running for more than ten miles.

Earthenware figures have been found in the underground maze with a mass of up to 20.000 pounds which makes them the biggest discovered so far from the antiquated world.

This rundown of Bosnian antiquarianism finds does not end here. In the region, we found the tallest tumulus in the World which is 61 meters high. As of recently the most noteworthy tumulus known was in Sillbury Hill in England and measure 60 meters high. The Bosnian tumulus comprises of two-layers of megalithic patios, dirt layers and manufactured solid layers.

A group of physicists got onto the task 2010, recognized a vitality bar getting through the highest point of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The span of the pillar is 4.5 meters with a recurrence of 28 kHz. The pillar is persistent and its quality develops as it climbs and far from the highest point of the pyramid. This wonder negates all known physical laws known not today. This is the principal verification of non-herzian innovation on the Planet. It appears the first pyramid-developers in what is currently Bosnia made a never-ending "vitality machine" that is as yet working today.

In the underground maze amid 2010 we found three loads and a little blue lake. Vitality screening demonstrates that the ionization level is 43 times higher than the normal fixation outside which makes the underground loads recuperating rooms.

Further electromagnetic discovery in 2011 affirmed that levels of negative radiation through the Hartman, Curry and Schneider lattices are equivalent to zero in the passages. There was no specialized radiation (from electrical cables and/or innovation) found in the passages and no vast radioactivity.

The vast artistic figures are situated over the underground water streams, bringing about negative vitality being changed into positive vitality. These tests point to the underground maze as a standout amongst the most secure underground developments on the planet making it perfect for body restoration and recovery.

Two hundred years of Egyptology has not delivered a tasteful response to the subject of the genuine reason for building the pyramids. Yet, with just six years of exploration on the Bosnian pyramids we have connected between disciplinary investigative examination at this complex reviewing the physical, as well as the vivacious and profound measurements too. Our study delivered some dumbfounding data. Also, we have spearheaded results which influences the art of pyramids that up to this point has to a great extent been disregarded in Egypt. This archeological venture is changing the world as we probably am aware it with each new disclosure.

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